Friday, June 17, 2011

Randy Finishes Pink Sweater

Randy has been working on this sweater for what seems like a long time. But truthfully, life can just get in the way of knitting and crocheting.

The last picture shows how far Randy was this past winter when she was staying with her mom, Pat, during her illness. What is really interesting is that she also sent her notes to herself that she wrote while working. I find that very interesting.

I feel so insecure when I am knitting that I practically write a direction for every row out in long hand. I only do that in crochet when I'm working a more difficult stitch pattern.

Randy really is progressing in her skills. The sweater looks great. Hey, it fits! The last test of success.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Yarn Bombing Sighted

This yarn bombing was sighted on Liberty Avenue in Bloomfield on International Yarn Bombing Day. Where will these crofitti terrorists strike next?

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Some of Paulette's Projects

Paulette made this darling bassinette for a little friend of hers. This is a really good gift since young children always need to bring along toys when they are out and about. What's great is that the toy becomes its own carrier. And even a good storage place when the toy is put away.

Paulette was very pleased to finish these sox. Not sure if it was difficult or one of those projects that just never seems to get done. However, it does look like a pair of sox to be proud of.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Race for the Cure

Chris made this hat and scarf in support of Breast Cancer Awareness. I know she likes making hats and probably designed her scarf with the extra yarn in the shape of the pink ribbon. Many members in the group have other groups and charities they support besides the ones 3RC is dedicated to.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Karen's Personal Projects

Karen knitted up these precious sweaters for gifts. I think she should make them for me in an adult size, especially the Fair Isle.