Wednesday, June 10, 2015

The 3RC blog hasn’t been updated since February?????  What slacker was supposed to keep it updated and totally failed to do so??

Oh, yeah.  That would be me, SciFi Chris.  My bad.  Sorry about that.  At long last, here’s an update.

Three Rivers Crochet recently celebrated its 10 year anniversary.  Way back in 2005, a group of folks decided to take a chance on meeting up with other random folks to see what happens.  What happened was a fantastic group of folks who have done many group projects, zillions of individual projects, and given a massive amount of time, hand made items, and dollars to charity. 

Amanda found a place for the 10th anniversary party, her canoe club which had a beautiful view of the river.  Diane organized the food, with Theresa, Amanda, Bertha, Original Chris, and Constance bringing extra treats.  Door prizes were donated by Robin and KJ donated a Panera gift card as the prize for the name tag decorating contest.  (If I left someone out, I’m sorry.  Just let me know and I’ll add you to the acknowledgement list.)

The first group project was the Pittsburgh cape.  A combination of free form and traditional crochet, those that participated each created a section to represent an aspect of Pittsburgh.  Look closely, you’ll see steel mills, Heinz ketchup, Mr. Rodger’s sweater, bridges, sports team logos, fireworks, and tons of other Pittsburgh landmarks.  The cape was taken to a CGOA convention and made such an impression that it was included in a book!

Another early project was the wire bra.  The 2006 CGOA Chain Link Conference had a fundraiser to support breast cancer awareness.  Donated crocheted bras would be auctioned off.  3RC’s wire bra won the Bravo award for being the crowd favorite.  The bra was bought back by 3RC to become part of our collection of keepsakes.

Here’s a photo of the original members that were able to make it to the 10th anniversary celebration.  Diane also gave us a brief 'history lesson' about 3RC.  It was very interesting to hear about all the group has done in 10 active years.

The name badge decorating contest.  Lots of new members were joining and it was a bit tricky to keep track of everyone’s name.  Carol suggested name tags that we could decorate and donated the tag bases.  Edith won the voting for best of show. 

So much good food and what an incredible view.  It was a beautiful, sunny day.

What do folks do at a 10th anniversary for a crochet group?  Crochet, of course.

Here's looking forward to another fantastic 10 years with Three River's Crochet!